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Updated on: February 11, 2021
Written by David Babinec

Quick Start Guide


  • WordPress
  • Oxygen Builder (latest stable version)
  • Recommended PHP 7.2 or higher

Install and Activate The Plugin

You can install and activate our plugin just like any other plugin.

  • In your WP dashboard, go to Plugins -> Add New -> Upload, and upload the OxyNinja plugin .zip file downloaded from the purchase confirmation. Activate the plugin.
  • To unlock all features, and get update notifications, enter your License Key for OxyNinja Plugin by going to Oxygen -> Settings -> License. Your license key and design set keys are available in your purchase confirmation.

Install The Design Set and Core Framework

  • Whether you bought Core, WooCore or a Bundle, go back to your puchase confirmation and locate your design set key below the license key.
  • Go back to Oxygen -> Settings -> Library, check "Enable 3rd Party Design Sets" and click Update.
  • Click on +Add Design Set and add the design set key that came with your purchase.
  • Open Oxygen Builder (doesn't matter if it is a page, or a template) and after the builder fully loads, you will see a modal asking you to install Selectors & Stylesheets. Confirm.

Updating Core Framework

  • If you ever want to trigger the import of selectors and stylesheets again (eg. when new classes are added to the Core framework), you can do so by clicking Manage -> OxyNinja -> Start Import in the Oxygen Builder.
  • The import will not overwrite your existing classes if you made any changes to them. It will only add missing selectors or stylesheets.


Infinite spinning wheel after initiating the import

After the import is initiated, it will trigger the page save on the background. The spinning wheel is actually the builder trying to save itself. If it doesn't do anything after a while, check if there are any errors in the dev tools console.

Most common reasons are caching, JS optimization tools or Rocket Loader from CloudFlare. Check if any caching doesn't interfere with Oxygen Builder, refresh the builder and try again.

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