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Updated on: February 19, 2021
Written by David Babinec

How To Use Design Sets

Once you have OxyNinja plugin installed and valid license keys added, you can start using our pre-made blocks and templates right away.

All our design sets are using the Oxygen's library, so you can import any section the same way as with the default Oxygen's design sets.

To add a section to your page the regular way, open the Oxygen Builder, and in the left panel go to +ADD -> Library -> Design Sets and select a design set you want to use. Then you will see all kind of categories to choose from, and add any section to your page by clicking on it.

We recommend to select a body in the structure panel before you add any section, just to make sure you are not adding a section inside of another section or div.

We also developed the alternative way of adding sections via our demo page, which we will go through in the next article.

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